Sunday, February 19, 2012

Its been such a long time since my last post. 19 months of it has been spent as a 12hr a day construction worker. That really put my music on the backburner. But I have collected some gear that I am now going to have the time to put to work as I take a few months to concentrate on the important things in life, health, music, and family. We now have two Roland AC60 amplifiers for our live work, which really makes life easy. I have bought some new software so a bit of a learning period is on the books. I now have Cakewalk Sonar Expanded, Sound Forge Pro 10, Reaper, BFD Eco Drummer,  Nomad factory Studio Bundle. The new stereo recorder is a Zoom H4n which I love, yesterday I did our first recording with the Zoom Q3HD and that is a giant step up from my old system which used mini DVD's that took over an hour just to load into the computer. We did about 20 gigs last year and most were recorded to the Zoom H2n and about 70% of the gigs were filmed on video, but none of it was edited or posted due time limitations caused by work. I guess I'll have to a bit of a listen and sort over the next few months to see if there is anything worthwhile. Where we are at with our music, is putting it all together so that we are happy with our recording. We are also going through the copyright process and then comes, getting it out there so that we can find our audience wherever they are in whatever country and whatever age group.  Our youtube channel rootube808 has over 23000 views and we have six subscribers and some very rewarding comments. As I am writing we are on the third day of a 10 day house sit in the conondale valley and we are here to play guitar, write songs, and record audio and video, and did I mention feed the chooks, put away the baby chicks and the old rooster at night. Feed the guinea pigs and move their cage around, walk Jasper the border collie and keep the goanas and scrub turkeys away from the eggs. The old rooster is now blind and we have to rattle his feed dish so he can find it to eat. He needs fussing over because he always was a gentleman. Whenever the chooks were being fed in the past he always hung back from the food making sure the hens had a good feed first. I checked out one of the new roosters this morning and he pecks everything in sight including the baby chicks so he can have all the food to himself. He needs to learn some manners. Time to restring my acoustic so I'm off.

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